Virtual Launch Brings Desired Visibility

Digital Marketing | Intrada Webmaster | Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Launch of report by the Home Care Association of America achieves national viewership with Intrada’s assistance

filming HCAOA's live broadcast

After months of researching, listening, and hard work, the Home Care Association of America (HCAOA) and Global Coalition on Aging developed a report revealing the state of home care in the United States and new policy priorities to address industry challenges.

HCAOA needed assistance planning, developing and executing a prestigious, virtual launch event that would reach their target audience within a short planning timeframe of three weeks.

“When the Home Care Association of America released our first data report in 2016, we held a press conference on Capitol Hill in D.C. attended by legislators and policymakers in the healthcare industry,” shared HCAOA Chief Operating Officer Jennifer Batista. “For our updated data report in 2022, which was delayed by the pandemic, but also impacted and changed profoundly by our industry’s response to protecting seniors in their homes during COVID, we knew it was even more critical to release this data to a broader audience of stakeholders. Large gatherings on Capitol Hill are prohibited due to COVID restrictions, so we turned to the team at Intrada to execute a virtual launch event that was streamed across HCAOA’s social media platforms and on our website, followed by a live Q&A with the media.”

HCAOA leadership trusted Intrada Technologies team to help.

Intrada Technologies’ marketing and technology teams worked with HCAOA leadership to:

  • present a professional virtual event featuring multiple interviews – some onsite and some off-site - in a live event format,
  • promote the event with graphics and video teasers on social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and HCAOA’s website to encourage national event viewership,
  • capture the interest of the home care industry and its leaders, national legislators and the media with a professionally-crafted, nationally-distributed media alert and media release,
  • seamlessly stream the virtual event to multiple platforms (YouTube, Facebook, and HCAOA website),
  • and monitor and engage with viewers on social media before, during and after the event.

Planning a Successful Virtual Event

To begin, Intrada’s team met with HCAOA leadership to discuss the timeframe, goals and budget. Once defined, Intrada developed a list of deliverables and a timeline and got to work.

Rachel Edwards oversaw the project and handled graphic design, social media strategy, media relations and coaching. Nicole Keiner directed the video strategy, script and production. David Steele managed the technology, streaming, web direction and support. In addition, the video team provided background, lighting, sound, music, and editing.

HCAOA leadership set expectations, wrote talking points, selected and prepared interviewees, managed promotion on their website and provided direction.

A post-event press Q&A was scheduled for media and legislators to ask further questions, since no questions were fielded during the virtual release launch. Intrada helped to promote and pitch the post-event Q&A via social media, a teaser video and media calls.

Presenting the Virtual Launch

The day of the event, the release of the “State of Home Care: Industry at a Crossroads” report went off without a hitch, garnering national viewership. Our team streamed the report launch to Facebook, YouTube and the HCAOA website concurrently.

Intrada’s team ensured all components of the event were pre-tested and prepared, so viewers could watch and learn without distraction. During the event, Intrada’s team monitored all streaming platforms for comments and questions and addressed any issues.

managing HCAOA's live broadcast

HCAOA staff felt prepared, confident and at ease with Intrada’s management of the event and, as the event went on, thrilled with the viewership and participation of viewers.

Viewership Results

For national healthcare trade organizations, average attendance to press conferences is around 50 attendees. Online press conferences with more than 140 viewers are considered very successful. HCAOA had more than 200 viewers around the nation during the live launch event.

Nearly 5,000 minutes of the thirty-minute broadcast were watched by viewers on the day of the event. Viewers ranged from locally in Pennsylvania to across the nation in Texas, California, Washington and more.

“We were pleased with the engagement during the livestream, with an average viewership of 152 viewers through the duration of the event featuring our policy priorities and Call To Action . We picked up an additional 400 views that day alone,” said HCAOA COO Jennifer Batista.

Increased Website Traffic

During the week leading up to the event, the excitement on the HCAOA website and social media channels was evident. HCAOA members liked posts, commented and marked their calendars.

HCAOA had created a page on their website specifically dedicated to the “State of Home Care: Industry at a Crossroads” report, where the launch event was streamed. All social media, website and media relations efforts pointed viewers to the HCAOA website and this page.

During the week of February 21 – 25, the HCAOA website experienced impressive results.

  • Over the week, there was a 33% increase in unique visits and 49% increase in page views.
  • Unique visits rose more than 260% – from 244 to 643 – from the day prior to the day of the event.
  • Page views rose by more than 240% as well, from 560 the day before the event to 1351 views on the day of the event.

Social Media Engagement

Intrada’s team was tasked with posting to HCAOA’s social media channels for both the “State of Home Care” report launch and for National Caregiver Day. We created cover images and post images for each social media channel to brand the “State of Home Care” report event.

We began managing HCAOA’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube pages on February 9 and continued through February 28 with the following results:

The HCAOA Facebook page saw the

  • Page reach increase by 2,400%,
  • Page visits jump by more than 310%,
  • Posts reached almost 850 engagements,
  • And nearly 60 new people or organizations like the HCAOA Facebook page.

More than 40 people clicked on the teaser video featuring HCAOA CEO Vicki Hoak that Intrada created and streamed, taking them to the State of Home Care report page on HCAOA’s website.

HCAOA livestreaming on YouTube

The HCAOA YouTube page had

  • A 999% increase in impressions,
  • A 265% increase in video views,
  • A nearly 240% increase in hours of watch time – 119.2 hours watched,
  • And more than 30 new subscribers.

Additionally, more than 50% of viewers came from direct sources – specifically the HCAOA website, YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn.

HCAOA’s Twitter impressions grew by more than 215% and profile visits increased by more than 100%. HCAOA’s LinkedIn page had a 28% increase in unique visitors.

Media Interest Garnered

Intrada’s team sent out a media advisory inviting the media to the “State of Home Care” report launch, as well as a media release prior to the event. Both were sent out nationally.

The content was picked up by nearly 325 media outlets and the release was viewed more than 4,000 times, generating 65 direct clicks to the HCAOA site and report.

Intrada’s team also personally pitched the event launch to major outlets, securing interest from the New York Times, Politico, The Atlantic, Home Health Care News, and Markets Insider.

Intrada Exceeds Expectations

The Home Care Association of America was very pleased with the virtual launch for their important “State of Home Care: Industry at a Crossroads” report.

At a Board meeting following the event, HCAOA leaders shared the statistics compiled by Intrada and HCAOA Board members were impressed and pleased. (HCAOA Board members are comprised of leaders of home care organizations around the United States.)

HCAOA COO Jennifer Batista shared, “The [Intrada] team was creative, responsive, collaborative, and easy to work with! We were so happy with the release of the report. “

In three weeks, Intrada’s team was able to:

  • plan and execute a professional virtual event featuring multiple interviews;
  • generate excitement and national viewership through social media marketing and website promotion;
  • capture the interest of home care industry leaders, legislators and the media;
  • stream the event with no technical issues or glitches;
  • and engage audiences on social media before, during and after the event.

The Intrada marketing team has more than twenty years of event planning experience and we are available to help organizations plan virtual, hybrid or in-person events. Contact Rachel Edwards or Nicole Keiner at or by calling 800-858-5745.

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