Building Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

Do you know how to build your brand on LinkedIn? How to optimize your personal LinkedIn profile? How do you make meaningful connections? Intrada Technologies does.
Last month, Intrada Technologies visited Landmark Commercial Realty, Inc. and hosted a LinkedIn Lunch and Learn. Whew…say that five times fast!
David Steele, co-founder of Intrada Technologies, delivered a 45 minute presentation to a group of Landmark’s commercial real estate agents on how consistent, correct use of LinkedIn can help them obtain leads.
According to there are:
- 67 million users
- 106 million monthly active users
- 1.5 million groups
- 40 percent of users visit daily
- 2 new members join each second
“LinkedIn is a great business to business tool for relationship building and lead generation. If you are not using it, you should be,” commented Steele. “From our (Intrada) experience, we have had clients refer us to their connections. We have gained new clients through our current contacts, as well as the site’s referrals.”
Individual Pages (Personal Brand)
Personal LinkedIn profiles are like an online resume and cover letter where you can highlight your skills, job experiences and how you are valuable as an employee. “Personalize it and make yourself stand out from others. Use keywords that are common in your profession when writing your profile,” said Steele. “We encourage posting articles, whether written by you or someone else, a few times a month. Posting these articles positions you as an industry expert and helps you engage current and prospective contacts. This engagement can open doors for leads.”
Business Pages (Company Brand) explains that these pages can help grow the visibility of your company and offer you the opportunity to engage with your clients on a digital level. The company page can serve as a credible extension of your digital brand. We will discuss this topic in-depth in a future article so stay tuned!
Making Connections
LinkedIn can be considered a digital Rolodex®. It is invaluable whether you want to expand your network, develop leads, or search for a new job. Making connections doesn’t happen overnight. Here are a few tips to get you started.
- Connect with people you currently do business with (or have in the past).
- Don’t just click connect. Send a personalized message with a reminder of your last project together or a comment about an article the prospective connection posted. You may even ask a contact that you have in common to make a virtual introduction. Make it a warm contact, not a cold one.
- There are groups for just about any specialty or interest on LinkedIn. Find one or two to join and make sure you participate. Liking and posting a few times a month is a great start and a realistic goal.
Are you taking advantage of LinkedIn to build your brand? If you aren’t, give us a call. Let Intrada Technologies help you build your brand and reputation as well as foster and generate leads.